Statement from Qatar’s Media Attaché in Washington DC on Meeting with President Trump’s Transition Team
As part of the State of Qatar’s 45 year strong bilateral relationship with the United States, His Highness the Amir met with President Barack Obama on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in September 2016. As a lead-up to the US Presidential election, His Highness had scheduled separate meetings with both major party candidates. His Highness met with then-candidate Donald Trump. The meeting with Hillary Clinton was postponed due to a scheduling conflict.
In December 2016 during the Presidential transition, His Excellency, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs met with officials from President Donald Trump’s incoming Administration.
The bilateral relationship between the United States and Qatar encompasses many critical areas, including: regional security, military cooperation, counterterrorism, and economic partnership. All of these topics were reviewed by HE the Deputy Prime Minister and members of President Trump’s incoming Administration.
The United States and Qatar are strong allies because of the deep institutional relationships. At no point did Qatar speak with officials on the transition team, nor those affiliated with it, about private commercial services or contracts. All economic discussions were related to the bilateral relationship.
Ahmed Al-Rumaihi, who was head of Qatar investments at Qatar Investment Authority (QIA) from May 2016 to March 2017, was present at Trump Tower but did not participate in any meetings. Since March 2017, Mr. Al-Rumaihi has not represented the State of Qatar in official matters. Nor is Qatar involved in any of his private business matters.