HE the Prime Minister Attends “Doha, Arab Tourism Capital 2023” Announcement Ceremony

25 February 2023

His Excellency Sheikh Khalid bin Khalifa bin Abdulaziz Al Thani, Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, attended the official ceremony of “Doha, Arab Tourism Capital 2023” by the Arab Tourism Organization at the Cultural Village, Katara.

During the ceremony, His Excellency witnessed the handing of the Arab Tourism Capital’s key from the Arab Tourism Organization to Mr Akbar Al Baker, the Chairman of Qatar Tourism and CEO of Qatar Airways Group.

His Excellency underlined the State of Qatar’s advanced infrastructure and equipped tourism sector, and emphasized that choosing Doha as the capital of Arab Tourism is the culmination of hard work, planning and perseverance aimed at making this sector one of the most important sources of national income for the State of Qatar.

His Excellency also noted that this achievement will undoubtedly serve as a means of promoting Arab culture and build on the Qatar World Cup momentum.

The ceremony coincided with Arab Tourism Day, and saw a number of performances and events, including the screening of a film about the Arab Tourism Organization, Qatari folklore performances, music and fireworks.

The ceremony was attended by a number of Their Excellencies Sheikhs, ministers from friendly countries and ambassadors accredited to the State of Qatar, along with senior officials and guests.