HE the Prime Minister Inaugurates Global Security Forum

13 March 2023

His Excellency Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thani, Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, inaugurated the 5th Global Security Forum in Doha with the aim of shedding light on security issues, as well as global economic and development crises. The Forum was attended by several high-level political, academic and diplomatic figures.

Held under the theme: “Reshaping the Global Order: Conflict, Crises, and Cooperation”, in his opening address, His Excellency highlighted the regional and global security challenges affecting the world, such as international conflict, the energy crisis and food insecurity.

His Excellency stressed the urgent need for concerted international efforts to find practical and sustainable solutions to these challenges, citing the effective approach adopted by the State of Qatar to achieve economic and food stability.

His Excellency further discussed the Qatari experience in stabilizing and diversifying supply chains as well as increasing local production of essential commodities to support its national security. His Excellency underlined that the State of Qatar will make no compromises with its international partners to exchange expertise and achieve global food security.

His Excellency also called for a sustainable framework for peace and stability in the region. He stressed the importance of adhering to the basic global consensus principles, such as, justice, equality, solidarity, and the absolute rejection of double standards.

Established in 2018, the previous editions of the Global Security Forum have been hosted by Doha, in a testament to Qatar’s leading role in security on a national, regional and international levels.