Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs opens 2024 Global Security Forum

20 May 2024

HE Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thani, Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, delivered a keynote address today, inaugurating the 2024 Global Security Forum. Running from the 20th to the 22nd of May under the theme ‘Strategic Competition: The Complexity of Interdependence,’ the forum brings together government officials, ministers, law enforcement agencies, industry experts, academics and journalists to address pressing security challenges facing the international community.

In his remarks, HE the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs affirmed that amid turbulent regional and international circumstances, Qatar has dedicated itself to playing an essential role in advancing global peace and security, mediating disputes, finding resolutions to conflicts, revitalising the global economy and rebuilding areas affected by wars and pandemics.

“In order to promote global peace and security, mediation and conflict resolution efforts have become cornerstones of our foreign policy, and thanks to this approach, Qatar has been able to reach several truces and agreements that could alleviate the intensity of conflicts and help reach peaceful solutions,” HE said.

Moreover, Qatar has focused its development and humanitarian relief efforts on supporting the most vulnerable nations, building their resilience and strengthening capabilities across multiple sectors, explained HE the Prime Minister. HE added: “Our commitment in Qatar to work on preventing the collapse of peace, security and stability in the region, and employing diplomacy to resolve conflicts by peaceful means, is not just a political commitment, but a moral one stemming from our collective responsibility towards uplifting the most vulnerable peoples and spreading global security and stability.”

In addition, HE Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thani emphasised the interconnected nature of global security threats and the need for enhanced international cooperation to address them, as well as the role of the Global Security Forum as a crucial platform to find collaborative solutions.

“We must agree on ethical solutions that reflect our humanity and our shared values as an international community—a human is a human, and alleviating their suffering should not depend on political considerations, race or national affiliations,” HE pointed out. “It is disheartening and painful to see how many crises and challenges beset us, most of which are of our own making. But, in Qatar, we have learned it is often darkest before the dawn and we believe that honourable intentions, good consciences and human willpower always prevail in the battle of life,” HE added.

Organised by the Qatar International Academy for Security Studies and the Soufan Center, the 6th edition of the Global Security Forum will include discussions on supply chain management, climate change as a threat multiplier, energy security, essential technologies such as high-end semiconductors, food insecurity and the practice of hostage-taking by state and non-state actors, alongside other related topics. This year’s edition aims to foster greater strategic coordination among stakeholders to promote a more secure and prosperous world.